Sunday, July 20, 2008

I'd rather run that tell you what I saw

Why is it that when I tell someone of a dream I may have had recently, the person starts judging me instantly? Is everyone really capable of such deep level of psycho analysis, if that’s possible that is? Do we all believe that dreams are but reflections of what we want, desire, fear or any such condition that we consciously or subconsciously suffer from?

I raise these questions not because I wish to understand dreams and the complex world we live a parallel life in when we sleep. Instead I wonder if I can ever learn the explanation, the secret, the reason behind humans so easily, at the drop of a hat being this judgmental. Is it really this easy to form a basis for an eventual opinion about another individual?

I might, while talking to some friend tell her the craziness of the dream I had the night before. But what basis does the listener have to instantly trace my psychological condition based on nothing but the gist of a nocturnal experience? Do dreams really give away so much? The thought of someone psycho analyzing me based on my true encounters of the night, really makes me feel vulnerable, may be scares me of the extent of revelation, which most certainly will be beyond my conscious knowledge, as I, as a muggle of a being, have neither the skill nor do I believe in dreams being an oblique, yet true reflections of our psychological conditions, pains, fears, or desires.

Freud said dreams reflect our conscious and subconscious thoughts. Spirituality however, dreams can also give out flashes and insights of the future. Some more sensitive say dreams are places where ones wishes and fears come together.

I consider myself no bellwether of breaking through this crazy world of dreams. On the contrary, I fear when I hear a word on any study or work being done on understanding dreams more clearly, for if there really is any substance in what my listener is interpreting of my dreams then I have reason to fear more, and even perhaps in one of my subsequent REM moments be exposed to consummate nakedness because of nothing but my dreams.

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